Nikon D4: 1er test terrain – interview de Bill Frakes

Bill Frakes est l’un des chanceux a avoir entre les mains un Nikon D4, je n’ai pas pu m’empêcher de lui poser quelques questions sur ce nouveau fer de lance de la gamme Nikon. Je le remercie encore de m’avoir accordé cette interview qui, je l’espère, vous éclairera sur ce nouveau reflex professionnel Nikon.

Me: Hi Bill, happy to talk with you again. I’ve read you were one of the first to play with the Nikon D4. I hope you had fun 🙂 i have some questions for you.
The first of all is your feeling, you are a Nikon user for years, is there some ergonomic difference between the D4 and the D3S we need to focus on ?
Bill Frakes: There are some subtle but powerful differences ergonomically. The three most important to me are : The design on the body has some small changes in the grip which make the camera incredibly comfortable to hold. The buttons are all backlit making them very easy to see in the dark. You can now plug the headphones directly into the camera and monitor the sound you are recording –this is an enormous thing.
Me: You asked me on messaging, when i told you it was the price of my car, what my car does on high ISO. So tell us, is that so impressive ?
Bill Frakes: As a person whose life is built around making images if I have the possibility to extend my the times I can make photographs it is wonderful. The high ISO allows me to do that with any sacrifice to technique or image quality. I don’t have to modify the light if it is wonderful but too low. This is not about the quantity of the light but rather the quality.
Me: I’m sure the AF is as perfect as on the D3S. On technical resume of the D4, i didn’t read differences on general info. But, did you felt something different ?
Bill Frakes: The autofocus is quicker. But I understand what you mean, it was already amazing. This is just an extra bonus.
Me: Finally, i’ve been able to see your work on photos but also on film, (specialy the one i’m in 😉 ). A lot of users are waiting for Nikon on the video part so, are you happy with this part on the Nikon D4 ?
Bill Frakes:  The video controls are simple to master. The files are terrific, they have a particular advantage in low light. You can look at the evidence in my film about Istanbul, or in our new music video which will be posted to my site in the week.
Fred: Thanks a lot for your time Bill, i hope to meet you again in France or elsewhere, take care!
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A coté de ça, voilà un lien vers son site sur lequel vous pourrez voir une vidéo faite à Istanbul avec le Nikon D4. Vous y trouverez également l’adresse de blog qui souligne également son “guest post” sur le blog de Scott Kelby où vous trouverez quelques photos et autresinformations relative à ce D4 de Nikon.

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